Science Year 3


Thursday 29 November 2012

External Features of Animals

  • There are many different kinds of animals in the world. 
  • Some of them look similar but some are different.
  • Animals can be identified by their external features

  •  Parts of the body of an animal that we can observe are called external features of that animal.

All pictures are from Google Image. 

Grouping of Animals

External features can be used to group animals.
Can be grouped according to their similarities.

  1. Animals with four legs : elephant, cow, dog, cat 
  2. Animals with two legs : chicken, duck, horn bill bird 
- Fish, crocodile, snake can be put in the same group because their bodies are covered with scales.  
- Crocodile can also be put in the same group as rat, tiger and kangaroo because they have FOUR LEGS. 

 ~Take a Break~

Let's think
A) I have wings. My wings are colourful. My body has no feathers. 
     I am a _________.

  B ) The body of a lizard is covered with ( fur / scales / hair )

  C ) What are the differences between a prawn and a fish?


Different Ways of Grouping Plants

Grouping of Plants

Plants can be grouped according to their similar external features,
Most plants have these features : leaves, stem, or flowers. 
All these features may look different or similar. 

1.  Flowering Plants


2.  Woody Stem Plants

3.  Soft Stem Plant

Do You Know?

Sugar cane plants DO NOT have fruits.

Maize and sugar cane plants are SIMILAR because both are flowering plants, have long leaves and soft stems.